!!!XEN: I am called !!!AGN: Song connected with Odjib'we's personal experience in war !!!COM: Anonymous !!!CNT: Native American -- Ojibway !!!TXO: Ojibway !!!MLC: White Earth reservation, northern Minnesota, U.S.A. !!!MRD: 1909-1912/// !!!MPN: Odjib'we (Ojibway) **kern *MM104 *Imale *k[f#] *clefG2 *M3/4 =1 8e 8e 8e 8e 8.f# 16g =2 [2e 8e] 8B =3 8e 8e 8e 8d 16e 8.d =4 *M2/4 8.B 16B [4B =5 2B] *clefF4 =6 8B 8B 8B 8B =7 8B 8B 8c# 8d =8 *M3/4 [2B 8B] 8G =9 *M2/4 8A 8A 8A 8G =10 8A 8G 4E =11 [2E =12 4E] 4BB =13 *M3/4 8E 8E 8.E 16E 4E =14 *M2/4 4.E 8BB> =15 8E 8E 8E 8D =16 12E 12E 12D 4BB =17 2BB == *- !!!OCL: Frances Densmore !!!YOR: Chippewa [i.e., Ojibway] Music--II, Bulletin 53 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smitsonian Institution !!!ONM: 43 !!!PPG: 125 !!!PUB: published !!!PPR: Government Printing Office !!!PPP: Washington, D.C. !!!PDT: 1912/// !!!EST: missing clef changes, text, drum tempo, and drum part !!!YEC: Copyright 1998 Paul von Hippel !!!YEM: Rights to all derivate electronic formats reserved. !!!EFL: 26/42 !!!VTS: 710494343