!!!COM: Vivaldi, Antonio !!!OTL: Concerto a violino solo, No. 10 !!!XEN: Violin Concerto No. 10 !!!OTP: La Caccia !!!OTA: The Hunt !!!OPR: Il Cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione !!!XEN: The Contest of Harmony and Invention !!!OPS: Opus 8 !!!ONM: No. 10 !!!OMV: Movement 2. !!!YEC: Copyright 1996, Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative electronic formats reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for important restrictions. !!!OMD: Adagio **kern **kern **Bnum *Icello *Iviola *Icemba *Icemba * * *ICstr *ICstr *ICklav *ICklav * * !cello !violino principale !continuo !basso continuo ! ! *clefF4 *clefG2 * *k[b-] *k[b-] *k[b-] *d: *d: *d: *M4/4 *M4/4 *M4/4 *>Selfridge-Field_rep[A,A,B,S4,etc,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field_rep[A,A,B,S4,etc,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field_rep[A,A,B,S4,etc,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field_norep[A,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field_norep[A,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field_norep[A,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field[A,A,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field[A,A,B,S4,etc] *>Selfridge-Field[A,A,B,S4,etc] *>Amsterdam_rep[A,A,B,A4,etc,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam_rep[A,A,B,A4,etc,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam_rep[A,A,B,A4,etc,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam_norep[A,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam_norep[A,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam_norep[A,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam[A,A,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam[A,A,B,A4,etc] *>Amsterdam[A,A,B,A4,etc] *>A *>A *>A =1- =1- =1- 8d\L 8aa\L . 8D\J 16dd\L . . 16bb-\JJ . 8G/L 8ee\L 6 5 8GG/J 16ff\L . . 16gg\JJ . 8A\L 8cc#\L # 8B-\J 8dd\J 6 8r 8r . 8F\ 8aa\ 6 =2 =2 =2 8G\L 8bb-\L . 8F\J 16aa\L . . 16bb-\JJ . 8BBn/L 8dd\L 6 8GG/J 16ee\L . . 16ff\JJ 7 8C/L 16ee\LL . . 16dd\J . 8CC/J 8cc\J . 8r 8r . 8C/ 8bb-\ . =3 =3 =3 16F\LL 16aa\LL . 16B-\ 16ddd\ . 16A\ 16ccc\ 6 16B-\JJ 16dd\JJ . 8c\L (8ffP/ 4 8C\J 16eept\L) 3 . 16ff\Jk . 2F\ 2ff\ . =4|| =4|| =4|| *>B *>B *>B 8F#\L 8aa\L 6 8D\J 16ff#\L . . 16aa\JJ . 8A\L 8cc\L 6\ 8F#\J 8aa\J . *>S4 *>S4 *>S4 !! Selfridge-Field edition. 8G/L 16bb-\LL . . 16aa\J . 8GG/J 8gg\J . *>A4 *>A4 *>A4 !! Amsterdam print. 8G/L 8bb-\LL . 8GG/J 16aa\J . . 16gg\J . *>etc *>etc *>etc 8r 8r . 8E-\ 8cc#\ 6\ =5 =5 =5 8D/L 16dd\LL . . 16bb-\ . 8C/J 16aa\ 6 5 b . 16gg\JJ . 8D/L 8.ff#t\L 4 8DD/J . # . 16gg\Jk . 4GG/ 4gg\ . 8r 8r . 8G\ 8dd\ . =6 =6 =6 8F\L 8aa\L 6 8D\J 16dd\L . . 16bb-\JJ . 8G/L 8ee\L 6 5 8GG/J 16ff\L . . 16gg\JJ . 8A\L 8cc#\L # 8B-\J 8dd\J 6 8r 8r . 8F\ 8aa\ 6 =7 =7 =7 8G/L 8b-\L . 8GG/J (16ee\L . . 16gg\JJ) . 8G\L 8bn\L n 8F\J (16cc#\L . . 16dd\JJ) . 8E\L 8cc#\L 6\ 8A\J (16ff\L . . 16aa\JJ) . 8A\L 8cc#\L # 8G\J (16dd\L . . 16ee\JJ) . =8 =8 =8 8F\L 8dd\L 6 8B-\J (16gg\L . . 16bb-\JJ) . 8G/L 8ee\L 6 5 8GG/J (16ff\L . . 16gg\JJ) . 8AA/L 4.g/ 7 # 8BBn/J . . 8C#/L . 6 5 8AA/J 8gg\ . =9 =9 =9 8D\L 8ff\L . 8G\J 16ee\L 6 5 . 16dd\JJ . 8A\L 8.cc#t\L 4 8AA\J . # . 16dd\Jk . 2D;\ 2dd;\ . ==|! ==|! ==|! *- *- *- !!!CDT: 1678/3/4/-1741/7/28 !!!OCY: Italia !!!ODE: Count Wenzeslaus von Morzin of Bohemia; Count Wenceslas of Morzin !!!ODT: 1725/// !!!OPC: Venezia; Venice !!!AGN: concerto !!!AST: baroque !!!AMT: simple quadruple !!!PPR: Michel-Charles Le Ce`ne !!!PC#: Le Cene No. 521 !!!PDT: 1725/// !!!PPP: Amsterdam !!!SCT: RV 362 !!!SMA1: The cooperation of the following libraries is gratefully acknowledged: !!!SMA2: Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden; Biblioteca Nazionale !!!SMA3: Universitaria, Turin; Henry Watson Music Library, Manchester. !!!YOR: New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1995 !!!AIN: cello cemba violn !!!EEV: 1.0 !!!RDT: 1994/5/7/ !!!YER: 1996/10/31/ !!!YEP: Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEN: United States of America !!!EFL: 2/3 !!!ENC: Edmund Correia, Jr. !!!EED: Eleanor Selfridge-Field