CCARH Software
[ MuseData | Humdrum ]

Installation instructions:

  1. Download the three files listed above to your computer.
  2. Run the program VMuse2.exe (by double-clicking on it in windows explorer, for example).
  3. The program will display a windows asking where you want to install dmuseviewer. Click "OK" to accept the default location, or choose your own location.
  4. The installation program will try to download the two extra files from the internet. The location that the installation program is trying to connect is no longer accessible. If so, you should click on the "Cancel" button.
  5. The installation program will then show the following message to which you can click "OK".
  6. The following window will then appear, asking where the other two files that you downloaded are located on the hard disk:
    In the example installation, I placed the downloaded files in the directory C:\temp\dmuseviewer, so I would change the default location to there:
    Click "OK" when you have found out where you downloaded the files onto your hard disk.
  7. Four error messages will appear in separate windows. Press "OK" to continue in each case:
  8. Now the dmuseviewer software should be installed. The main dmuseviewer program startup window will be displayed:
    You can click on "Continue" to go to the main dmuseviewer window.
  9. The main dmuseviewer window will look like this when there is no CFT files currently being viewed:

Getting Started Using DMuseViewer

Loading a CFT file directly from the web

  1. Close the dmuseviewer program if it is open.
  2. Go to a webpage which has a CFT file link. At the CCARH website, you can find CFT files at, or equivalently: For example, go to the webpage:
  3. A window similar to this one should come up (may be different according to your web browser and its settings).
    Select "Open with DMuse Viewer (default), and then click "OK".
  4. The DMuseViewer splash window will then be displayed:
    Click on "Continue".
  5. Nothing will happen, due to a bug. So, click on the CFT link again a second time, and open with the DMuseViewer again, and the program should open with the CFT file displayed: