Thinking: 10-04-93 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Structure of the Database: MUSEDATA/ COMPOSER1/ COMPOSER2/ ... COMPOSERn/ INDEX: file list of works in the database what sources they appear under (could be multiple) what stage of progress they are in whether or not they are checked out, etc. SOURCE1/ SOURCE2/ ... SOURCEn/ WORK1/ WORK2/ ... WORKn/ STAGE1/ MVT1/ MVT2/ ... MVTn/ STAGE2/ MVT1/ MVT2/ ... MVTn/ many data files: STATE2 will have files which will belong to one or more of the following groups: 1. sound used to make MIDI0 files " " " MIDI1 " " " " DARMS " " " " KERN " our performance files 2. score used to make SCORE files " " " our full-score files 3. parts used to make our parts files 4. short used to make our short score files 5. tracks used for analysis 6. midi data specifically used to compile MIDI files (e.g. channel assignments and instrument assignments) 7. tempo temp data used in compiling our performance files 8. data anything and everything I suggest the following naming comvention for files the data files in stage2. Files which have membership in the "sound" group be named 01, 02, 03 ... Files which do not have membership in the "sound" group, but have membership in the "score" group be named S01, S02, S03 ... Files which do not have membership in the "sound" or "score" groups, but have membership in the "parts" group be named P01, P02, P03 ... Files which do not have membership in the "sound", "score" or "parts" groups, but have membership in the "shortscore" group be named H01, H02, H03 ... Files which do not have membership in the "sound", "score", "parts", or "shortscore" groups, but have membership in the "tracks" group be named T01, T02, T03 ... Files having membership in the "midi" or "tempo" groups are exclusive members of these groups; that is, they belong only to that one group. At the moment, there is only one file belonging to the "midi" group, and it is called MCHAN. Files belonging to the "tempo" group may be named TEMPO, TEMPO1, TEMPO2, ... I image the "data" group as a combination of work-in-progress and archive of unused files. Files which belong to this group and no other may be called D01, D02, ... It is important to remember that the file names do not carry definitive membership information; this system of naming is mainly a "traffic cop" to keep file names from "running into each other." The definitive information on membership, as well as the order with a particular group is contained in records 11ff. of the file. OUTPUTS/ (internal to CCARH) PARTS/ I-FILES/ PAGES/ SKORE/ I-FILES/ PAGES/ SHSKORE/ I-FILES/ PAGES/ SOUND/ DISTRIB/ MIDI0/ MVT1 (file) MVT2 (file) ... MVTn (file) MIDI1/ MVT1 (file) MVT2 (file) ... MVTn (file) SCORE/ MVT1 (file) MVT2 (file) ... MVTn (file) DARMS/ MVT1 (file) MVT2 (file) ... MVTn (file) KERN/ MVT1 (file) MVT2 (file) ... MVTn (file) MUSED/ MVT1/ MVT2/ ... MVTn/ Computer programs: (* = some version of this is working) * BEGIN.Z initial convertion from stage1 to stage2 (results belong to the data group) * FMERGE.Z combines two or more stage2 part files. * AUTOSET.Z creates a set of non-page-specific i-files from a set of stage2 source files. * MSKPAGE.Z creates page-specific score (short score, part) files from non-page-specific i-files * DSKPAGE.Z displays page-specific i-files * PSKPAGE.Z prints " " " * S2MCOMP.Z creates a MONSTER sound file for proof hearing a set of stage2 source files * PLAYMUS.Z performs a MONSTER sound file * MKMIDI.Z compile a MIDI0 or MIDI1 file from a set of stage2 files from the "sound" group MKDARMS.Z compile a DARMS file from a set of stage2 files from the "sound" group (based on Brent's DARMS program) MKKERN.Z compile a KERN fike from a set of stage2 files form the "sound" group MKSCORE.Z compile a set of SCORE files from a set of page specific score ifiles. (based on some experimental programs) MKMUSED.Z move the proper set of stage2 files to the MUSED release directory (this program just moves things) * COMPRESS.Z compress a set of stage2 source files * DECOMP.Z decompress a set of stage2 source files LMIDI0.Z load a floppy with specified MIDI0 files LMIDI1.Z load a floppy with specified MIDI1 files LSCORE.Z load a floppy with specified SCORE files LDARMS.Z load a floppy with specified DARMS files LKERN.Z load a floppy with specified KERN files LMUSED.Z load a floppy with specified MUSED files (a version of the compress program)