Parameters for Ties ------------------- Files td/ns, td/nl, tu/ns, tu/nl contain the source parameters for printing ties. See files for meaning and organization of parameters. &dDInvert&d@ is a program which perports to make an approximate version of tu files from td files The object file contains all the paramters. The first record in the file contains parameters for the case where the distance between notes exceeds 170 dots. The next 161 records contain the parameters for the distances 10 to 170. There are four times twelve or 48 parameters in each record. The four large groups of parameters (12 each) are derived from the four files listed above (in the same order). The printing program must determine the following: 1. Tips up or tips down \ This will determine proper 2. Note on space or on line / large group 3. Distance between notes 4. Stem out of the way or in the way 5. Tie in free space or in constrained space If the distance is 170 or greater, the first record contains the necessary parameters to print the tie. Otherwise, record (d / 2 - 8) must be sought, and the proper parameters withdrawn.