Text Commands

You can get help and information about text commands in SCORE by adding a question mark before the first letter of a command. For example, if you type ?a in command mode, a list of all commands which start with the letter a will be described. If you type a number instead of a letter, the commands applicable for a given code item (P1 value) will be listed instead, such as for notes: ?1.

General Commands

Insertion Commands: commands which add items to the score

Text commands which add items when in command mode. These commands are shortcuts for creating various items. They should normally be followed by 2 or 3 numbers (item parameters 2, 3, 4). Where P2 = the staff to add the item to; P3 = horizontal position of the item (from 0 far left to 200 far right); and P4 = vertical position.

In the table below, the command is given in the first column. The second column gives a description of what the command adds to the music, and the third column lists the code item number of the added object (P1). Numbers following the slash indiate secondary data from another parameter which is useful to describe the object. For example code 9 items list the number of the graphical object being displayed after the slash; the number after the slash for barlines indicates the P5 barline type style.

ALTalto clef3
ALTOMmini alto clef3
ARPvertical arpeggio wiggle4
ASTasterix (*)9/71
ATM"a tempo"9/78
BARnbarline, n = number of staves up14
BARBCcurly brace14/5
BARDdouble bar14/1
BARHheavy double bar14/2
BARLrepeat bar, dots to left14/3
BARRrepeat bar, dots to right14/4
BARRDdouble repeat bar, dots on both sides14/5
BASbass clef 3
BASSMmini bass clef 3
BEAMsingle beam6
BEAMnbeam, n = number of beams6
CLEtreble clef3
CLEFM minature treble clef3
CLEFTAtablature clef3
COMMcommon time - C18
CRHcrescendo hairpin4
CUTcut time, alla breve18
DASHndashes, n = space between dashes4
DCHdecrescendo hairpin4
DNBdown bow sign9/28
END11st ending5
END22nd ending5
Fforte dynamic9/56
FFfortissimo dynamic9/57
FFFfortississimo dynamic9/58
FPfortepiano dynamic9/60
KSIG-1xkey signature with one flat; x indicates clef: blank = treble; B = bass; A = alto; T = tenor;17
KSIG+1xkey signature with one sharp; x indicates clef: blank = treble; B = bass; A = alto; T = tenor;17
LINadd horizontal line4
LOGSCORE logo9/199
METERmeter, defaults to 4/418
METERxyx/y meter, such as METER34 = 3/418
METER121612/16, etc.18
MFmezzo forte dynamic9/55
MPmezzo piano dynamic9/54
NOTEadd a note1
NOTEFnote with flat1
NOTESnote with sharp1
NOTENnote with natural1
Ppiano dynamic9/53
PPpianissimo dynamic9/52
PPPpianississmo dynamic9/51
PED"Ped." pedal sign9/70
PEDApedal sign style 27
PEDBpedal sign style 37
PEDCpedal sign style 47
PERpercussion clef3
RESTquarter-note rest2
SLURslur, curve up5
SLURDslur, curve down5
SLURntuplet bracket up, n = number5
SLURDntuplet bracket down, n = number5
STA nadd staff lines at level n8
STACstaccato dot9/24
SFsf sforzando dynamic9/61
SFZsfz sforzando dynamic9/62
TENtenor clef 3
TENORMmini tenor clef3
TIEtie, curve up5
TIEDtie, curve down5
TREMtremolo beam, note stem up6
TREMDtermolo beam, note stem down6
TREMnnumber of tremolo beams6
TREMDnn -> number of tremolo beams, stem down6

Edit Mode Commands and Code-Specific Commands:

Code 1 Commands (Notes)

Stem Modifications (P8)
ADJadjust note stem to beam.
ADJXadjust note stem when beam's stem direction is opposite.
ADFadjust note stem to beam (F = in the French manner).
ADFXadjust note stem when beam's stem direction is opposite.
FLIflip the stem direction.
NSTno stem on note. (removes left digit of P5)
STM(stem -) shorten the note stem by 1/2 scale step. (P8)
STP(stem +) lengthen the note stem by 1/2 scale step. (P8)
STNset stem length to normal. (P8 = 0 = 1 octave)

Rhythm Modifications
CHapply rhythm of note with stem to all chord notes. If CH is typed it may be followed by a P7 duration value. (e.g. 'CH .25' will make all chord notes have 1/16 rhythm.)
CUEmake note cue size. (P4 + 100)
CUXnormal size note. (P4 < 100)
RH6464th note. (P6, 7, 9)
RH3232nd note. (P6, 7, 9)
RHDmakes double whole note. (P6, 7).
RHSmakes 1/16 note. (P6, 7).
RHQmakes 1/4 note. (P6, 7).
RHHmakes 1/2 note. (P6, 7).
RHWmakes whole note. (P6, 7).
RHGmakes grace note. (P4, 7, 8, 9)
RHUchange rhythm to quintuplet. (P7) e.g. P7=.5 (1/8) becomes =.4 (1/10)
TRPchange rhythm to triplet. (P7) e.g. P7=.5 (1/8) becomes =.333 (1/12) TRP and RHU are ignored if original rhythm is not a basic duple value. (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.)
ADTadd tail(s). (P9) No change in rhythmic value.
NTAremove tail(s). (P9) No change in rhythmic value.
DOTadds dot to note - changes P7, 9.
DDTmake double dot. (P7, 9)
DUDdot up/down, above or below staff line.
SPDspace dot to right
SPD-space dot to left
SPDNspace dot to right 1 note width
Offset Modifications (P10)
OFLoffset one note width to the left (P10=20)
OFRoffset one note width to the right (P10=10)
OFMoffset minus, moves note .5 step to left. (P10)
OFPoffset plus, moves note .5 step to right.
NOFno offset of note - P10 = 0.

Accidental Modifications
DBFadds double flat to note.
DBSadds double sharp to note.
ENH-1move note down 1 step and change accidental to enharmonic equivalent (if possible).
ENH+1move note up 1 step and change accidental to enharmonic equivalent (if possible).
FLTadds flat to note.
NACno accidental - removes any accidental from note.
NATadds natural to note.
SHPadds sharp to note.
ASPautomatic spacing of 2nd accidental in chord.
NOSno extra space for accidental.
SPAspace accidental to left
SPA-space accidental to right

Mark Modifications
ACadd accent. P11=5
ACTadd accent + tenuto. P11=25
ASTadd accent + staccato. P11=9
DNBadd down bow. P11=11
UPBadd up bow. P11=12
FEadd fermata. P11=14
IMOadd inverted mordent. P11=18
HWadd heavy wedge. P11=19
MOadd mordant. P11=17
PLUadd plus sign. P11=24
STAadd staccato. P11=7
TNadd tenuto. P11=6
TNSadd tenuto + staccato. P11=10
Wadd wedge mark to note. P11=4
WSTadd wedge + staccato. P11=8
FLMflip mark to opposite side of note. (P11)
MKLmove mark left
MKRmove mark right
MKUmove mark up
MKDmove mark down movement of marks
NOMremove mark from note. (P11=0)

Code 2 Commands (Rests)

Rhythm Modifications
CUEmake rest cue size. (P4 + 100)
CUXnormal size rest. (P4 < 100)
RH6464th rest. (P5, 7)
RH3232nd rest. (P5, 7)
RHDmakes double whole rest. (P5, 7)
RHSmakes 1/16 rest. (P5, 7)
RHQmakes 1/4 rest. (P5, 7)
RHHmakes 1/2 rest. (P5, 7)
RHWmakes whole rest. (P5, 7)
RHGmakes grace rest. (P4, 7, 8, 9)
RHUchange rhythm to quintuplet. (P7) e.g. P7=.5 (1/8) becomes =.4 (1/10)
TRPchange rhythm to triplet. (P7) e.g. P7=.5 (1/8) becomes =.333 (1/12)
DOTadds dot to rest - changes P7, 6
DDTmake double dot. (P7, 6)
SPDspace dot to right
SPD-space dot to left

Offset Modifications
OFMoffset minus, moves rest .5 step to left. (P10)
OFPoffset plus, moves rest .5 step to right
NOFno offset of rest - P10 = 0

Misc. Modifications
RFadd fermata. (P8 = -1)
RIinvisible/visible (P6 = -1 or = 0)
RPrepeat bar ./. (P5 = -4)
WBnwhole bar rest with number n
EUnEuropean style whole bar composite rest with number n

Code 3 Commands (Clefs)

Select Clef
TREtreble clef
BASbass clef
ALTalto clef
TENtenor clef
TDOtreble clef with '8' below. (D=Down Octave) (P5 = .8)
TUOtreble clef with '8' above. (U=Up Octave) (P5 = .88)
TUQtreble clef with '15' above. (2 octaves, quindicesima) (P5 = .15)
BDObass clef with '8' below. (P5 = 1.8)
PERpercussion clef
MINmake mini clef (P4 +100)
TABtablature clef (6 line staff)
TB4tablature clef (4 line staff)
TB5tablature clef (5 line staff)

Offset Modifications
OFMoffset minus, moves clef .5 step to left. (P15)
OFPoffset plus, moves clef .5 step to right.
NOFno offset of clef - P15 = 0.

Code 5 Commands (Slurs, brackets, endings)

The 'CN n' command (center) will move the ends of 1st and 2nd endings to positions of nearest bar lines. If the bar line starts from a staff below, the staff number (n) must be given.

Code 6 Commands (YYY)

Code 7 Commands (YYY)

Code 8 Commands (YYY)

Code 9 Commands (YYY)

Code 10 Commands (YYY)

Code 11 Commands (YYY)

Code 12 Commands (YYY)

Code 14 Commands (YYY)

Code 15 Commands (YYY)

Code 16 Commands (YYY)

Code 17 Commands (YYY)

Code 18 Commands (YYY)

-- compiled by Craig Stuart Sapp